
Here we go again…

starting a new trace in a cyber world

sorrow is not the perfect word , dim…dim yes dim is the right one. the dim presence is disturbing! the dim feeling has forced this sanguin person to close the connection from her beloved friends.n for what reason??? the person herself doesnt know.

she vaguely feels being neglected…oblivion. she had built mount of hope. she had imagined the sweet time she can have. but it remains only hope. Her companion seems busy in any other world he has. does she expect too much?

all she wanna do is to find a way back into love. she has been lonely for so long,trapped in the past. she’s been setting aside time, to clear a little space in the corners of her mind. n she’s hoping for someone to shed a light, not only to through the night.

she has cleaned the remnants of broken pieces. but she needs to be peeped for not noticing the remnants. someone has knocked, but she hasn’t been assured yet. does the person only knock? does the person has an intend to step in?it remains a question, coz she feels dimmed……dim…

22 Jan 09

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