An anagram is a type of word play, the result of rearranging the letters of a word or phrase to produce a new word or phrase, using all the original letters exactly once (wikipedia)

and here are the anagrams :

A Stationed Art
A Attainders To
A Sedation Tart
A Detains Tarot
A Trade Station
Radiant As Tote
Data Retains To
Data Attires On
A Donates Trait
A Donate Traits
A Rated Station
Data Taros Nite
Attains Are Dot
Tiara State Nod
Tiara Ants Dote

Je l'aime lui ...... Je l'aime lui ..... Je l'aime lui

is it lust or love?
hurm it might be just an effect of the decreased serotonin in my body causing obsessive behaviors

June 16 2009
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